From Our Desk
This edition highlights the life of George Müller. He has been an inspiration to us at HeartCry
(Pg. 4)
By Jim Elliff , President of Christian Communicators Worldwide.
(Pg. 5)
The Early Days of George Müller
Excerpts from George Müller’s life and conversion.
(Pg. 6-10)
The Convictions and Teachings of George Müller
The teachings of George Müller that have been most used of the Lord to shape our lives and ministries.
(Pg. 11-25)
Address to Young Converts
George Müller’s advice to young converts. In his own words, “As one who for fifty years has known the Lord, and has labored in word and doctrine, I ought to be able, in some little measure, to lend a helping hand to younger believers.”
(Pg. 26-29)
Excerpts from the Journal of George Müller
The excerpts from George Müller’s daily journal that have been most used of the Lord to shape our lives and ministries.
(Pg. 30-39)
God’s Faithful Dealings with a Lesser Instrument
HeartCry journal entries that were first published in the HeartCry magazine early 2004. It was the first time that God had given us such freedom. They demonstrate that the God of George Müller is still very much alive and willing to sustain not only the Müllers of His kingdom, but even lesser instruments such as ourselves.
(Pg. 40-44)