Latin America is one of the most biologically and geographically diverse places on the planet. From the desert coastland of Peru to the rain forests of the Amazon Region, and all the way to the glacier-filled mountains of Patagonia, God’s power and creativity are clearly displayed. However, even amidst such an obvious declaration of the splendor and power of an awesome Creator, most of the inhabitants of this region have still refused to acknowledge that He alone is King.
Economically, Latin America is as diverse as its landscape. In one sense, the region has seen great economic development over the past couple of decades, as countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia have seen vast increases in national GDP. However, you do not have to look far to see that much of the population is still struggling in deep poverty. For example, although the urban areas of Peru have experienced some measure of growth in the economy over the past decade, it is estimated that around one-third to one-fourth of all children in Peru between the ages of 6 and 14 are working in order to help their families survive. While around 82 percent of the people in Latin America identify themselves with the Roman Catholic Church, the region is becoming increasingly post-modern and relativistic in its ideology. Latin America is a region in urgent need of the absolute truth and rest that is only offered in the person and work of Jesus Christ. While the setting of each of the missionaries is unique, the message that is needed is the same. Pray that the proclamation of the good news of Christ would go forth rapidly and that the Lord would stamp the seal of His salvation on villages and cities all across the region.