I would like to give thanks to God for giving me a new life and electing me to serve Him. In the grace of God the weekly church services and the cottage meetings are going well. The believers are growing in the Lord. Now I am preaching from 2 Peter in worship service. From this book I am preaching to them to live according to His truth because He had called us to live in godliness by electing us for His glory and greatness, therefore we should leave all ungodliness. I am encouraging my believers to grow in His Holiness.

I am teaching about the important of salvation to sinner in our youth fellowship. I am teaching them

  1. Men are eternally death or spiritual death,
  2. Men’s total depravity,
  3. Morally corrupted,
  4. Civil lawlessness and
  5. Under Satan’s bondage.

I had finished first 2 points. From these 2 points I am teaching them about the great problem of men is sin and because of this men are totally depraved and are spiritually dead. Only through Christ we can be saved from eternal death and gain eternal life. Praise God that the youth are growing in the Lord.

We are having Sunday school for our children but we struggle to teach them as we have no material. Because of this lack we are not able to lead children in God’s word. Please Pray that God may guide us and also may get the ideas to train them in the Lord. We need the training for Sunday school teachers so they may able to teach them properly and may lead them in Christ.

We had been staying in a one room and one kitchen with four children. It was very uncomfortable and even the temperature here is very high. But God supplied our needs. We were able to add one more room besides the church building. Thanks to God for His providence.

Thanks all the prayer partners for your prayer and support helping us to extend His kingdom together. God may bless you.

Prayer Requests: Please pray that the believers may know the truth may become strong in Christ. Pray for Mr. Mohan that God may provide a wife for him. Pray for me that I may learn more about His word and may lead His flocks in the Lord.


Ram P.