I am preaching to different people, and I am encouraging the believers from our church in San Lorenzo to go out with me to the white fields that are all around us; to the highest regions of the mountains where people live who have never heard the Gospel, and to the high regions of Huancabamba, which they call “The Devil’s Cradle” because the people there practice witchcraft and sorcery.

When we go to these places we pass out tracts from one house to the next. While almost all of the people reject us and refuse to listen, and they mock us, there are a few people who listen attentively. This is our goal for 2015, to reach these places to a greater extent.

Brothers and sisters, I ask you to be praying for these high places in the region of Pacaipampa, that the Lord would open doors for His Word to go forth in order that there might be a work of the Lord there.