Once again, I find myself amazed by the grace of the Lord as I remember all that He’s allowed me to experience this past month. It is a great joy to be able to share with you all the advances and the obstacles, the joy and the sadness, that we have faced at Family of Grace Church.

I am seeing the church grow at an encouraging rate. For me, what I am seeing is very unique. Until about four years ago when the Lord opened my eyes to the magnificent historical doctrines of the Christian faith, I had never truly experienced the sanctifying power of the Gospel. Though there is still much room to grow, both personally as well as in the congregation, even still the grace of God is a daily reality that continues to amaze us. We are consumed with the desire to know more of our beloved God because we love Him. God dwells among us and in us (though we can never fully grasp such a reality!). I’m encouraged. I cry out to the Lord and I work in every way possible as I continue to dream that our church would become something of a base for missionaries in order that we might reach thousands and thousands of people with the good news of Jesus Christ. When we began this church plant, there was only Esteban (one of the pastors of our church) and myself, and the first two years truly were very hard, and even discouraging in some ways. But now we find ourselves living in the midst of a true church family, with members that have a testimony of love and salvation in the Lord, and all with a common testimony as a community of recipients of the grace of Jesus. Those who were babes in the faith have now grown to be mature believers, growing so quickly that I had almost not even realized their progress! Oh, Hallelujah to King Jesus! He is precious!

Until now the tribulations through which we have come have not been few or easy, but the comfort, sanctification, love, and wisdom of the Lord abounds much more. Also, I am seeing that the Spirit has distributed many gifts to the saints in Rosario. As of now, I see many potential evangelists and teachers, and we are praying that the Lord would establish these men in the ministry of these gifts. Currently, I am pleading with the Lord to provide us with more evangelists and more teachers. My hope is that, as always, the Lord would surprise me with His generous response! Please, pray together with me for this request, and also pray that in the near future the Lord would enable us to begin some form of training school for the preparation of men called to be missionaries.

We are growing into a more evangelistic church, and we desire to expand our evangelistic efforts into the neighborhoods where various members of the church live. Also, we are seeking to take advantage of opportunities for evangelism in the city centers and plazas. It seems that one person may have recently come to know the Lord through the evangelism in our neighborhoods.

Pray that the Lord would provide us with all that we need to carry out this endeavor.