Greetings in the name of our Father, the God of all comfort and Father of mercies. The grace of God has been with us and is with us always. This month has been one of both great blessing and many trials. It has been one year since we moved to Nueva Esperanza to begin this new church plant. The work is difficult, but also rewarding, because the providence of God has always blessed us. God is revealing His will little by little in this town, and we are growing in grace together with each of the brothers and sisters.

Behind this great blessing, God also brought us a tremendous trial, which we know we can also consider a blessing. As some of you know, we have been praying for the blessing of becoming parents, and for five wonderful months we were able to experience the excitement of the Lord’s answer to that request. However, according to the Lord’s will, my wife’s pregnancy was interrupted, and we lost our daughter. The doctors are still not sure the cause of this loss; they think that it might have been an infection or a virus that reached her heart.

These have been very difficult days for us. We have cried much and our soul has been downcast; but we tell you, dear brothers and sisters, with complete certainty, that during these moments God has not allowed us to fall or reject Him, though there are great conflicts within us. This verse has often come to mind throughout this trial: “ ‘…Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?’ In all this Job did not sin with his lips” (Job 2:10).

We know that this trial is from God, and that is of incredible comfort for us, in a way that not even we can explain. Today, more than ever, the sovereignty of God, His faithfulness, His love, His election, and His mercy have become a reality in our lives.

We know that all things work together for our good. Dear brothers and sisters, we know that God is good, not only because we know it in our minds and teach it, but because we experience it. These sad circumstances have led us to glorify our God, and even to be a testimony to others; that is the purpose of all that God wills for us to pass through, that He may be glorified.

I thank God for all those who pray for us. The Lord has given us peace and He is now equipping us with patience. We know that God is sovereign over whether or not we will become parents. The text from Job that I mentioned is the theme of this report, because I know that the good we receive from the Lord is far greater than any difficult trial we might walk through.