A ministry update from Brother Ranjit K., who labors in the mountains of North India:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Praise the Lord for His grace and faithfulness in our lives!

This summer, our focus has been on reaching the children and teenagers, we organized VBS camps in four villages. Approximately 300 children joined us, mostly from the unbelieving background families. All the children learned about God, the Bible, our world, and salvation.

Two students (Ananad and Rakesh) from a Seminary were our summer ministry interns. They showed a Hindi Christian movie to the children and taught in Sunday School.

A local family invited us to hold a Bible study in their home.

Praise the Lord, ten new believers were baptized and added to the church membership!

Prayer Requests

  • There will be some special meetings in July and August for ministries and leadership here. Kindly uphold us in prayer.
  • Please pray for our dear family of God, in the mountains during the rainy season.
  • Please remember our children and teenagers in your prayers that they continue to trust God and obey Him in their daily lives.
  • Please pray for our team as we go to various villages, located in the hills and plains for meeting families to counsel, encourage, share Gospel and help them by the Word of God.
  • Two married couples from Nepal will be starting Seminary this July. Please pray for them.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers and support for the Gospel. We always thank God for you and for your love for His Mission. We need your regular prayers for our lives, our witness, the power of the Holy Spirit, and faithfulness to the Gospel ministry.

Your co-laborers,
Ranjit K and team