Greeting to you in the name of Jesus. In the grace of God we all are fine and I hope that you all are fine to and your ministry is going well. This is my joy to share the works that God has done in this month. In God’s grace the weekly church services are going well. In this month I taught about God’s omnipotence from the book

“One True God”

after the church service. He is a great and powerful God like no one else. He is mighty God. I encouraged the believers to trust Him. They should be confident in Him in any circumstance, because He is mighty.

I am teaching from the book

“Truth About Man”

in the cottage meeting at Jalpa. I taught about Satan and his works in this world. I also taught about Satan’s finite authority and power. Mankind is under the bondage of Satan and therefore all of mankind needs Christ in order to come out from this bondage. Only Christ is the Redeemer. I encouraged them to trust on Christ for their salvation.

In this month as usual we had fellowship at mother Sara’s house. In this time we did the gospel program. The village people and the relatives of Sara attended this program. The program was lead by Pastor Gary. I preached that God is Holy and Just, but men are sinners and therefore He will judge sinners and will punish them. But in His grace He has sent His son Jesus Christ the Redeemer. Those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life, but those who will not believe in Him will have eternal death. I encouraged to new people to believe Christ as their savior and I encouraged the believers to trust their savior till their last breath. It was wonderful program.

I visited to Mrs. Laxmi’s husband. Mrs. Laxmi is a believer but her husband is not a believer. I went to visit him because he is very sick. I visited him twice. He is also deaf. Therefore, it is very difficult to share the gospel. I spoke loudly and tried to tell that Jesus is savior by using gesture and sign language. In the grace of God, now a days he is attending the church service. May God give him the heart to trust in Him and may I tell more about Christ our savior.

Mrs Gani is the believer of Jalpa church. She hardly attends the church service because it takes 6/7 hour by foot to attend the meeting. It’s a jungle path and she has no vehicle. She is alone Christian from her home and village. It is very difficult to tell her to attend the meeting. I encouraged her to trust in Christ and pray for her family and village people.

In this month I had the privilege to attend the conference. Pastor Jimmy had taught us about

“Biblical Manhood and Womanhood”

He taught the order of God’s creation and the biblical manhood and womanhood in the marriage and family subject. He taught about the man’s headship and the leadership in the Church and therefore women can’t be a pastor. I had lots of confusion regarding these issues, but now I am clearer. God bless brother Jimmy.    

Prayer Requests: Please pray to mother Sara’s village people and the relatives, that God would bring them in His kingdom. Pray for Mrs Laxmi’s husband Kham. Pray for Mrs. Gani for her strong faith and for God to bring other people in his kingdom.


Kirk C.