Dear Brethren

In these past months we have been very busy and blessed at the same time. We are delighted to see how the Lord has been working in many different ways.

Missions Trip

Every summer thousands of Muslims cross the strait of Gibraltar (in the south of Spain). Some enter Europe to visit relatives they have here, others on their way to their home countries in the north of Africa for vacation. At the end of July we went on a missions trip with a youth group from our church to one of the main ports where the arriving ferries are packed with traveling Muslims. We drove almost 700 miles to our destination. Even though many rejected the message we brought to them, we managed to hand out around 500 Arabic New Testaments. Most of the traveling Muslims also speak English, Spanish or French, so we were able to have good conversations with many and introduce to them the person of Christ as the only and sufficient Savior. We pray that the Word handed to those will produce fruit in them.

Summer Camps

I had the great privilege of teaching the Word of God in three different camps during the summer. In July I was invited to teach about the New Testament and its message to a group of around 100 college students from across the country. It was a really good opportunity to talk to them not only about the Gospel’s message, but also transmit to them our calling to be spokesmen of such a message wherever we are, in this case in our highly secularized education system.

Early in August I travelled with my family to another camp, where we spent ten days with a group of 40 teenagers. In 9 sessions I was able to preach about the importance of sanctification and the Lordship of Christ. Knowing the privileges and responsibilities we have as children of God was a message that made an impact on several of the teens.

Lastly, halfway through August, we were part of another youth camp where I taught a series of sermons entitled “Genuine Repentance”. We were so privileged to have had the opportunity to preach the truth of the gospel! We pray that the Holy Spirit may work powerfully in those who have been exposed to God’s Word.

Other Responsibilities

Besides these activities and regularly preaching in our congregation here in Marin, I have also been preaching in different churches throughout the country: Vigo, Madrid, Ferrol, Cartagena… We thank the Lord for the fellowship we were able to enjoy with other brethren and for how positively they responded to expository preaching.

Berea Seminary

This next weekend we are driving to Murcia (around 800 miles southeast from our city) to start Berea’s seminary extension in the south of Spain. We hope the Lord blesses all of the students and that this effort is useful for the edification of Church, and that the gospel will be clearly and powerfully proclaimed. Lord willing, we will also be starting the new school year in the official seminary in Toral (León), with two other programs: Expository preaching, and Bible and Theology.


Here in Marin, Olga and I keep on working with different discipleship groups. Olga is involved in several women’s groups. Plus she has been asked to help out teaching at different events for women. As for me, I continue teaching Philippians in our Thursday Bible study and preaching through Matthew on Sundays. Last Monday we initiated our biblical training program. A group of 60 people meet every two weeks to deepen their study of the Word of God. We will be teaching Bibliology until December.


By the grace of God our family is doing great. Our daughters Alejandra and Lucía are growing healthy, and enjoying each others company. We were blessed to spend a week away on a family vacation with Olga’s parents at the end of August.

As you can see we are being given many opportunities to serve Christ, and we need the Lord’s guidance to be wise with our time in order to honor Him in what we do. We would ask you to pray for these specific needs:

  • Alejandra’s and Lucía’s salvation and as well as wisdom for us, their parents.
  • Protection in the different trips and journeys.
  • Berea Seminary and the new school year.
  • The preparation and exposition of the Word of God in different contexts.
  • My father’s health, lately weakened by several physical issues.

Thank you so much for your support which you demonstrate to us in so many ways. Without your help would be imposible for us to be serving the Lord in Spain! We pray our heavenly Father blesses you and uses you for his glory.

In Christ,
Heber y Olga (Alejandra y Lucía).