By the grace of God, our weekly church services and cottage meetings are going well. It was difficult to have weekly service in Siluwa. We used to gather in the building of the Village Women’s Community. Sometimes, they used to have their meetings there on Saturday. Because of that, we had to move to open ground for fellowship. It was very difficult to us to get a good place for worship. We prayed for this matter and started to search the house for rent but none of them were willing to give us in rent. At last, we got one house but when the political leader of that village knew it, he bought that house and didn’t allow us to gather there. There is none who can fight against God. God is always gracious that He does good for His glory and for good of His children (Romans 8:28). God has been so gracious to us and He enabled us to purchase some land nearby the same building where we used to gather before. I give thanks to God for His providing land for worship. Now, we are planning to make a temporary hut for Saturday service. May our God help us.

Three young boys have finished their SLC (10 Grad). After they finished their exam, I visited and asked them about the aim of their life. All of them are willing to be in church’s ministry. I don’t know how God will lead them in the future but it is my prayer that they may serve the Lord. Before they join college, they are willing to join English language class. God may provide their needs for their studies. I am encouraging and guiding them through God’s Word. May our God build these men for His glory.

The church in Karan Dada is going well. I am visiting on Friday and have worship service on Saturday morning. Some believers were leaving the church service because of their works. I visited and counseled them from God’s Word and encouraged them to attend church. God may give them the heart to pursue Him more above all earthly things.

By the grace of God the church of Ghorli Kharka is growing more than it was before. I am leading them in the truth so that they wouldn’t confuse it with false teachings. Twelve members are attending the service regularly. Recently, two new people are attending the church service. I am sharing the gospel with them and encouraging them to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. God may open their heart to believe in Him.

I thank God for using Mr. Tak after his brother Mr. Terry went for training. God is helping him to be partaker in the ministry. God may use him in coming days. And I thank God for His grace upon me and the protection of His churches.

Prayer Requests: I request you to pray that God would enable us to build small hut for service. Please pray for the 3 young boys: Mr. Kashab, Mr. Humnath, and Mr. Sunil for the growth in their understanding of the Scriptures and in their spiritual walk. Please pray for my health.

