To start I want to thank you for taking the time to read this report. And I thank you even more for taking the time not only to look over this report, but also to pray for us! I hope that as you read a summary of the things that have taken place this past month you will be encouraged to pray for the Lord’s cause in Rosario.

This month we saw, once again, the power of the glorious Gospel that has been entrusted to us! Let me tell you about some of the testimonies that magnify the power of our God!

One of the testimonies that I was “closest” to is that of a woman named Sonia, who has been involved with our church for several months. She came to us from an extreme charismatic group because she had seen our website. Shortly after she began attending the services, she began to be discipled by my wife Maqui, and during that time she experienced a conversion and professed to have trusted in Christ and become a new creation.

As we are accustomed to do, the discipleship process continued with the purpose of leading her to a biblical assurance of salvation, and eventually toward baptism and membership. During one of the times when she was meeting with my wife, Sonia confessed that in past years she had repeatedly stolen money from her current job. She also told her that she had mentioned that to her former church leaders and that they had told her that “she was already forgiven.” They told her that she did not need to go and confess her crime before her bosses, since they were governed by Satan and she did not need to go and “bow before the devil.”

So, together with my wife, we explained to her that restitution is a biblical responsibility and that, even though her sins are forgiven if she was truly a Christian, she must still go and face the consequences of her sin. What we were asking of her was not easy, since she is a single woman, with two adolescent children and she earns minimum wage. To go and confess that she had stolen would expose her to immediate dismissal from her job, and might even mean time in jail.

Nonetheless, it was a joy to see how she received the Word of God and was made willing to obey without worrying about the consequences. So the first day of the week (we had spoken with her on Saturday) she told her boss that she needed to speak with her, and they met halfway through the week. She told her boss that Christ had saved her and she confessed her crime in detail.

Now, this is the miracle! When we had met Sonia, she was an exceedingly fearful of people, very easily embarrassed and incapable of confronting someone with anything controversial. But now, after the Gospel entered her life, she is sitting before her boss confessing Christ and confessing her sin! Is there any other explanation for this, other than that the Gospel really does transform people? Nonetheless, the miracle does not end there! After Sonia had confessed her wrong to her boss, her boss forgave her of all her debt! And not only that, but she also allowed Sonia to explain the Gospel to her!

This is only one of the testimonies of the grace of God this month. Throughout the month, several people have come to Family of Grace, and it seems that the Lord is working in some of them, including a couple that moved to the city of Rosario from a different state, just to be in the church. I hope, Lord willing, to be able to tell you more details in coming months.

As I tell you in almost every report, all of this puts a great responsibility upon our shoulders. The Lord is responding to our prayers and He is gathering His children, and He is placing many of them under our oversight. Who is sufficient for these things?

Please, pray for us.

  1. Pray that the Lord would send more laborers into the harvest. We need more brothers and sisters that are mature and capable of working with us in the work of the ministry.
  2. Pray for Nicolas and me, and for our marriages, that we would be kept near to Him in the midst of trials and temptations that the ministry presents, and that we would be faithful in the work that has been entrusted to us.
  3. Pray for Family of Grace’s ministry through the internet. I leave you all with a big hug from the South of the continent!