
I am Doug from Nepal and I am 22. My home is in Palpa district, a hillside of Nepal. I came from orthodox Hindu family. Our family economic is depended in agriculture. I am only one believer in my family and all of them believe in Hinduism.

In 2009, I was studied in school level in near my village. One day, I heard the gospel of Jesus Christ from my English teacher. He told me about Jesus Christ. He said Jesus loves you and He had died on cross for our sin. So believe in Him and He gives you eternal life. After hearing this I was shocked. I felt something uncomfortable in my heart. Many questions were raised in my mind. I thought that people talk about God this and that but how I do know who is true God? How men become sinners? What happen if I didn’t repent for my sins? What is the meaning of my life and why I am here in earth? My mind is full of question and I want satisfied answer of these all questions. I used to meet this a Christian and discussed about my questions. He gave a bible and requested me to study.

One day, he took me in the local Church nearby my village. I heard a sermon from a pastor. I felt something strange in my heart. I began to go to a church, where two pastors were serving the Lord. I began to study bible and continue to join Saturday fellowship. Slowly I came to about one true God who is Holy and Sovereign God. We are His creatures and He rule over all the creatures. After some time later, I met brother Silas

. After finishing his seminary study, he came to Tahoon to serve the Lord. I had a privilege to learn more about true God and the condition of fallen men, How men became sinner, How men are not able to fulfill the law of God. One night, I was reading my bible, God opened my heart and He showed my sins and iniquities. I realized my sin and felt guilty of my sin. I came to God and cried out to Him. I repented my sins and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believed what Christ did for me on the cross for my sins. After than night, I God gave me a joy and peace in my heart. I felt I got something that I had from a long time. I got a new life and new experience. But my family was totally against with me. I was persecuted from my family, relatives and villagers. My parent told me that I was there only one son and they want to stop me; but I never heard their voice because I had received the love and grace from God. I slowly began to grow in the relationship with God and experienced the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

In 2012, I finished my high school and I came to Butwal. I baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I was confused what to do and how to continue my further study because my parents were not supporting me and their economic conditions also weak. I asked to the Lord to open the door for me and I also shared my problems with Brother Silas. He introduced me with Ps. Greg P. and he shared my problem to him. Ps. Greg P. helped me to find employment at a bookshop for my part time job. Doing my part time job I continued my bachelor degree at Tribhuvan University in Butwal. They personally helped me for my further study. I am thankful to God hearing my prayer. In Butwal, I joined to Grace church where brother Silas is serving the Lord. God helped me to grow in His fellowship. He gave a privilege to serve Him as a secretary in Grace Church and as a treasurer in Reformed Churches of Nepal Youth Fellowship.

God gave more desire to seek Him and to serve Him. Bro. Silas always encouraged me to seek the Lord. God gave me a burden to serve His people for His glory. I knew God’s calling in my life for the full time ministry. So I desire to know the deeper truth of the Scripture. I realized that if I have an opportunity to join seminary after my bachelor, it will be great privilege for me. I shared with Bro. Silas about my burden. He encouraged me and shared to other brothers in Christ. Now I have finished my bachelor study and preparing to join seminary. I am very much thankful to God for this great privilege and thankful to HeartCry for helping me. I thank to those brothers and sisters who always encouraged me. After finishing seminary study I have a burden to serve the Lord among my own Nepalese community where He leads me. I want to commit my life as a full time pastoral ministry. I trust in the Lord that He will enable me to finish my seminary study and use me in my own indigenous people group for His own glory.