Ion Tomeci shares a couple of his discipleship encounters in the following report. 

Celebration in the Church

What can be more beautiful than seeing people rushing into the Kingdom of God! Two brothers got baptized this month and our church was happy to support them as they take new steps in their faith. We are thankful to God who was faithful and gave us a beautiful day from all points of view!

I would like to share with you about one of the men and about the way in which he got to know the Lord. He is working for the Financial Crimes Department. He grew up in a dysfunctional family (he grew up only with his mother, who actually left him with his grandmother). He wanted so much to go to the Police Academy. He worked hard and got accepted there. After graduating, he wanted to travel, so he went to Italy, where he met his future wife. She had already been in Italy for several years and she was involved with Jehovah’s Witnesses. So, the man started attending their meetings and reading the Bible. Still, his faith in Christ didn’t let him believe the teaching of Jehovah’s witnesses. After nine years in Italy, they came back to Romania and decided to quit attending Jehovah’s witnesses’ meetings. The Lord allowed us to meet them.His wife received the Gospel and got baptized very soon. She knew the Bible, but she also had influences of false teaching. I believe she still has some questions and I pray that the Lord would remove any false teaching from her mind and heart. We know that the Gospel is centered on the Lord Jesus Christ as fully human and fully God. As we understand His divinity, we begin understanding His place in the Holy Trinity. Then we understood that the Gospel is God’s revelation of Himself as a Trinity. How wonderful our God is!

The man received the Gospel, too. We could lay a “good foundation” in his life. We did Bible study through Skype and I tried to help him grow spiritually. The Lord has worked in his heart and I can see the fruits of the Spirit in his life, first the faith and then the desire to be clean. The Lord has blessed them with a baby, who is almost one year old now. His mother also studied to become a police officer. I have seen her quite tired lately. It is difficult for her to have a job and also take care of their baby. She also does night shifts and she can’t have rest when she gets back home. I pray that they would seek the Lord in this difficult period of their lives and find strength in Him, to persevere in faith and to make good decisions for their family life.

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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