HeartCry Missionary Society is privileged to have Elder Basil Howlett leading a conference for the HeartCry missionaries in Cambodia. Elder Basil has served as a pastor in the UK since 1964. Until 2009, Elder Basil was pastor of Carey Baptist Church in Reading, England. Since 1965, Elder Basil has been a member of The Westminster Fellowship, founded by Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and was secretary for a number of years. From 1995 – 2013, he was on the board of the London Theological Seminary and from 2001-2013 lectured on Pastoral Theology and Homiletics. He has visited and taught the Bible in Romania, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, India, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, India, Poland and other countries we are not allowed to disclose. 

HeartCry missionary, Chhinho S. reports the following concerning Elder Basil’s visit and fellowship in Cambodia:

“What an honored to be with a man of God who been faithfully serving the Lord for 52 years. His teaching, advice and life experience were so impactful to all of us. We asked him what is your secret; why you are able to keep your calling until now.”

Here are his secrets

  • Remember that you were a sinner. Christ saved you through his blood. Remember that your calling to preach is a high calling.
  • Remember that he is always with you no matter what situation you face. These are the three secrets that keep you going. Thanks Mr. Basil for your good advice.