Dear praying friends,

April has been another month of great blessing for which we are so thankful. The following report includes some of our news.

2 days of seminars with Conrad Mbew

The highlight of the month must be the visit we had from Pastor Conrad Mbewe from Zambia, a well-known international speaker and pastor. It was a tremendous privilege for the pastors to spend 2 full days with Pastor Mbewe covering all sorts of practical topics such as family, ministry, church leadership, evangelism, strategic planning, the pastor’s family and the pastor’s children. After expounding on each of these topics, the session was opened up for questions and answers. It was a huge blessing to all present to hear the pastor speak on these topics from the Bible with such wisdom, grace and passion.

Modules taught in Lima

During the month of April, David Silva was busy teaching two modules of classes. On Tuesdays he taught an introduction to the book of Romans to a full classroom of pastors, missionaries and other church leaders. On Saturdays he was in Comas teaching the students on the topic of apologetics on such subjects as miracles, the deity of Christ, the resurrection, evidence for God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible and the problem of evil in the world.

At the same time, Eduardo Aricari was teaching in Barranco on Saturdays on the doctrines of Man and Sin, looking at what it means for man to be made in God’s image and how Adam’s sin has so devastatingly affected the human race by leaving us inclined to sin, spiritually dead and incapable of any spiritual work in and of ourselves, leavign us at the utter mercy of God.

England and Scotland

Meanwhile, I have been back in the U.K. on a brief home assignment. It was wonderful for my wife and I to be able to attend my brother’s wedding on the 8th April and see some of my family whom we hadn’t seen in a number of years. The following week we spent six days up in Scotland for a missions conference where we shared on the wonderful work the Lord is doing through us in Peru at the Baptist Theological Centers. It was such a thrill to hear the excitement of the people as we spoke of the Lord’s blessings, and it was also so marvelous to speak to people who had been praying for us for years, but whom we had never met.

The rest of the month was spent studying and in meetings with personnel from our missions office, health check-ups and sharing about wour work and vision for the future with the eldership from our church.

PhD Studies

This month’s studies have included Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam which has been most enlightening as I have had the opportunity to read primary sources and to see how these man-made religions are worlds apart from the truth we find in the the Bible centered on the Gospel of grace.

I have also been able to study the work of a leading educator and see how we can learn from him as we seek to teach the Bible in the most effective way to our students. Finally, I have been studying how a Christian worldview impacts our study of the world and how it should affect every area of further education, whatever area is being studied. Thank you so much for your prayerful support of our ministry.