Brethren, greetings in Lord Jesus Name!

I, my wife, and both children are doing well. Thank you for being our prayer partners in 2015. We covet your prayers, even in the New Year. We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, 2016.

Reformation Day Observed: Thanks be to God for helping us to hold our fourth annual Reformation Day program (on 31st October) for the Christian leaders and local believers. We had 15 leaders, along with their wives, who joined us for this wonderful day of fellowship. We invited two like-minded pastors to speak on the occasion. One spoke on the Five Solas, and their meaning for the church today. The other pastor spoke on the need of learning the Reformation heritage, and how to apply its lessons to the present context; to continue in solid theology, as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. The saints received the Word warmly. The fellowship concluded with prayer and a lunch together. Thanks be to God for such opportunities together to afresh the soul.

Helping God’s Creation: Eight people who are suffering from disabilities were contacted and brought from four different villages. They represent seven families. These families have been in our touch. We have been helping, counseling, and praying with them for many months. They requested us to help them with mobility aids, for their children or loved ones, in special need.

In October, they came together to get advice, walking aids, and counseling based on the Word of God. The mobility aids has helped them greatly. They now can get out of their homes, do activities, see the sun, get in touch with the people around them, and feel loved.

While these mobility aids were being prepared, my friends and I were able to speak to the people. We had several good conversations. For example, there was one brother (having a problem with his legs because of polio), who was asking me questions about the destiny of man, and the need of a Savior. Thank God for such a ministry to the needy ones. Thanks be to God, for the organizations (HCH, CHGN and Joni and friends), to make it possible to serve both their physical and spiritual needs.

Please pray for the village church leaders who are willing to listen, and be taught further in Reformed theology. Please pray for the ministry to those who are disabled, and their families. You are welcome to join hands in these efforts.

Please pray for the outreach program during this Christmas season. We’ll be sharing the Gospel to the people in our Carol singing and Christmas program. Thanks for being our prayer partners.

Your brother in Christ:

Ranjit K.