In the grace of God the weekly church services and cottage meetings are going well. In this month we had children visiting. Mr. Lil Bahadur, Miss Manju and myself went to visit the children and their parents. We are visiting to know how the parents are leading their children in the Lord and how the children are responding. While visiting we came to know that many parents don’t spend their time with their children in God’s Word. We encouraging them to have family fellowship and help their children to teach the work of Christ. Parents were happy while visited them and they are willing to teach their children.

In this month, our church member Mrs. Humikala Thapa passed away. She passed away because of her high blood pressure. Most of her family is not Christian. Only her husband, daughter, younger son, and daughter in-law are believers- but rest of the family members are Hindu. It was a great privilege to share the gospel to the non-believing family members.

I also visited with a new family. They are not baptized, but are attending the church. Also, Mr. Bahadur Thapa was sick. Therefore, I went to visit him. I shared God’s Word and encouraged them to keep their hope in the Lord. I prayed for him and his wife. They were thankful to God. In the grace of God he is feeling better. He is still under the treatment.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for the children and their parents that they may grow in the Lord. Pray for the family members of Mrs. Humikala Thapa. Those who are in the Lord may keep their hope in the Lord and those who are not in Him, may believe in Him. Please pray for Mr. Take Bahadur’s health and their faith in the Lord. Pray for my family and the ministry that I am doing.


Tul B.