The church during the Khmer Rouge was decimated in Cambodia (estimates number the church to less than a 1,000 members at the end of the war). However, God has opened the door to allow the church to assemble together with much freedom and the gospel is preached, resulting in the church maturing in faith and growing in number. This morning a representative with HeartCry Missionary Society assembled with a local body and 100 persons were gathered to worship the Lord in songs, prayers, reading and preaching the word of God, celebrating the Lord’s Supper and enjoying a fellowship meal together.

Many challenges confront the church in Cambodia. Please continue to pray that God will bless the fledgling church with freedom and the church will use the freedom to proclaim the gospel with clarity and courage. There is a great need for the pastors to mature spiritually. Too, the members are first-generation Christians and need consistent exposition weekly from Scripture. However, we know God’s grace is sufficient to meet the needs of His people according to the riches of His grace.