
Last month HeartCry hosted a pastors conference at Salam Church in the Middle East. In attendance were all of the HeartCry-supported missionaries in that country, as well as some members from Salam church and a few other local churches. The speaker for the conference was Josh Manley, a pastor from the United States now planting a new church in Ras Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. His first message was “Don’t Panic, Plant Churches” and the remaining talks were on the topic of Biblical Theology:

  1. The God Who Creates (Genesis 1)
  2. The God Who is Sinned Against (Genesis 3)
  3. The God Who Comes to Earth (Matthew 1)
  4. The God Who Saves (Ephesians 2)
  5. The God Who Can’t Be Stopped (Acts 12)

As they heard the Word preached simply, yet powerfully, many were strengthened in their confidence in its exposition. In addition to the teaching, everyone was encouraged by the times of fellowship shared in the name of Christ. Josh said:

It was a joy to be with the church there. The Lord has faithfully preserved his people, and it was a sincere privilege for me to preach to and spend meaningful time with brothers and sisters in Christ. I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord is faithfully keeping his promise to build his church throughout the world.

On behalf of all those who were able to attend, thank you so much for your faithful giving and prayer! Conferences like this are only possible because of God’s love and generosity through you!

As we enter into a new year, would you commit to make 2016 one of earnest, specific prayer on behalf of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East?

Missionary Report

Report From China

Report From China