I wanted to update you on how the Christmas gospel meeting went. There were about 250 people at our church facility, two thirds were non-Christians, and many of them heard the gospel for the first time.

One of the elders at the church shared a clear, potent, and powerful gospel message. My faith was strengthened and my love for Christ increased. I talked with many after. Some appeared to be either eager or curious to hear more, while others were unmoved. There was progress with one older Hindu man that I have been talking with for several months. He is a little off mentally/socially, but can reason and hold a conversation. For the last couple of weeks, he has refused to consider himself a sinner, and didn’t like the emphasis the gospel places upon this. The preaching was very clearly on this topic, and was pressed upon our hearts. On Christmas, after the service, I asked this man, “What do you say now, are you a sinner?” He replied, “After today, I know that I am a sinner.” It’s a step. Pray for him. Pray for our neighbors and friends who also heard the Gospel once again. A friend of mine, had a helpful conversation with a man I’m in contact with about the message. Pray for our pastor friends, who will be doing follow up with many souls in the coming weeks.

Brothers and sisters, we labor together. One plants, another waters, but God brings the increase. Some enter into the harvest of another man’s labors. Whatever our season, whatever our role, whatever the difficulties, don’t grow weary in doing good, and cast your gaze to the Lord for motivation and encouragement, that His name would be great in North India.


Missionary Report

Report From China

Report From China