In the grace of God the weekly church services are going well. Most of the believers are really eager to know God’s Word and trying to walk according to God’s Word. They are meditating on God’s Word. It is my joy in the Lord to guide His people. I am also meditating on God’s Word, learning from it, and growing in the Lord. The Word of God is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path, which shows my weakness and corrects me in the Lord. I am serious in my responsibilities toward God for my family and my church.

In the grace of God I am studying the books which have been sent to us. I am reading the books “One True God”, “The Truth About Man”, “Living by the Book” etc. Now we have received a Systematic Theology and an Expository Preaching book in our own language. May God help me and my friends to know His word more, and to lead His people.

Now I am preaching from the book of James in the church services. I am teaching them that those who are in Christ need to have good deeds to show their faith in Christ. I am encouraging the believers to be an example in their lives so that people may know Christ. I would like to give thanks to brother J.S. for teaching us from God’s Word. Who is a good leader? What does a good leader do? What are the characteristics of a good leader? Brother J.S. preached from 1 Timothy 3 and 4. This really showed my weakness. Especially, when I was encouraged that a good leader is not one who forcibly pulls their believers from above them, but rather gets down with them and picks them up. I had the same mistake and now I am trying to get down and holding my believers to help them rise up to the Lord. May the Holy Spirit help me to do this for Christ.

Now we have many problems in our churches regarding marriage. There are unbiblical churches out of the RCN. Still our churches do not understand the true doctrine properly and specially regarding about marriage. I hope that we will get a biblical teaching about marriage by brother Jimmy this month. May God bless everyone who are planning to participate in this conference. I am praying for this program and looking forward to it.

At last I would like to mention my wife Bidhya, as she is struggling in her health. She had gone over and over treatment with different doctors, but still unable to get the right treatment. Her body has pain and there is swelling from water. Still she is going through treatment and using medicine. Please pray for her health that God would supply her needs in this condition.  

Prayer Requests: Please pray for the believers that they may grow in the Lord. Pray for the youth- for their marriage. Please pray for my life and ministry.


Rodney P.