Dear HeartCry,

On my father’s side of our family, after a serious illness and despite the family’s great efforts to look after him, my father went to be with God in July; he went away peacefully for which we are thankful.

While he was in the hospital his niece was visiting and we witnessed the gospel to her and she received the Lord as her Savior. On July 25, 2017, the night before the funeral, his adoptive daughter received Jesus Christ as her Savior after hearing the Gospel. Thank God, and there is nothing more joyful then when we believe that God brought my father to faith eight months ago and used the circumstances of my father’s death so that God saved all three souls during this time.

Thank God that the inner and outer security of the Church remained very good during the past few months. The Church still kept the worship of God during the week, praying as the Word of God taught. May God bless the relationship of the local government with the church. Please pray for our safety. 

When I undertake Bible lectures on a weekly basis I do not speak in the manner many Vietnamese pastors use while teaching, lectures with little or no Scripture but just words, narratives, gestures to promote emotion. This is a very dangerous practice in Vietnam.

Too, Reading the Bible and praying is of first importance in the task in the church and the life of a believer. Through prayer and intercession we have been able to overcome many difficulties, many temptations, and many of the discouragements that are likely to occur as Christians.

May your servants of God continue to pray for my wife, my partner, to be well and peacefully to continue to accompany me in the ministry of God. Pray for the new believers in our district to be baptized in August and for the new church to be planted.

Chi L.