Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. God in His mercy and grace I am well and doing His work. It is my privilege to share the ministry report of this month.

Ministry Activities

I am more involved in preaching the word of God and from house to house fellowship this month. Apart from this work I am studying the workbook “Truth About Man” by Paul Washer. This book is very helpful for me to understand the deeper problem of man and solution in Christ. My understanding is growing more and more in the Lord. I am teaching from this work book to my local congregation.

Let me tell you about sister Muna who is joining in our local Church. She is a new lady coming regularly in our church. After she started attending our fellowship her husband, who is Hindu, married another wife. Her husband is mistreating her and she is going through a very painful situation. My wife and I were able to visit and comfort her through the word of God. It is very challenging in her life but God, by His Spirit, is working in her heart to know that God will never forsake those who trust in Him. For the sake of Christ she doesn’t want to give up her faith. Even in this situation she is always praising God and seeking His face. It is very encouraging for every saint to observe that God is the One who is enlarging her faith.

I have been making an opportunity to join Youth Bible Study every Saturday from 2-4 pm where we have been teaching from the Westminster Shorter Catechism. It has been enlarging my soul in Christ and helping me to seek His face daily. I would like to give thanks to HeartCry for your support, prayer & encouragement. I do appreciate the sound teaching which I am getting over and over. This helps me a lot for my personal growth in the Lord as well as in ministry field.

Prayer Request

  •  Pray for sister Muna that she continue to grow more in the Lord even in the midst of challenges.
  • Pray for my family and ministry that the Lord has give to me.

Sincerely, Nick G.