Warm greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the month of May I got sick. Because of this I couldn’t do ministry properly. In the grace of God, Elder Dal helped me in this situation. He looked after the cottage meeting, and sometime even the Saturday services. May God bless his heart. In God’s grace, I am feeling better but still I am under the treatment.

Though I couldn’t serve in the ministry, God helped me to study a book while I was on bed rest. I studied the book called “Church’s Elders.” From this book I recognize my weaknesses, and asked Him to guide me to be a better shepherd for His sheep. It also helped me to know the characteristic of believers which is very helpful to me to shepherd them. Thanks to God for helping me to study this book and also helping me to understand it.

 One year ago, I shared the gospel to Mr. Pramash and his wife Mrs. Vachani. In the grace of God they were growing in the Lord, and on the month of April they were baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to God for bringing these two souls in His kingdom. Glory to be God!

On June 13, 14 and 15 we had women program in our church. In this program Mrs. Rani (my daughter in-law) and Mrs. Hemlata taught from God’s Word. They taught on the true gospel, marriage and family, tithes, offerings etc. The women were very happy for getting such a fellowship and they are requesting more programs in coming days. May God supply our needs. We are planning the youth program for next year. May God help us to have a youth program so that they may know the word of God and may live according to His words.

Once again I would like to give thanks to God for His grace in my life and recovering from sickness. Also thanks to Him for helping me to do His works. Thanks to HeartCry for your great support and prayer. God may bless you.

Pray Requests: Please pray that we may have youth program on next year. Pray for Mr. Pramash and his wife for their life in the Lord. Pray for my health and also the ministry that God has given to me.


Ragunandan V.