Jose Luis Siancas Interview

The Work in Marcavelica

This month at a Christmas service in Marcavelica the Lord in His grace allowed me to present Christ, raised from the dead with power and glory. I preached to more than 300 people from the community. Many people came to the service that day thinking that we would do a show with puppets or Santa Clause, but we kept the service focused on worshiping Christ and announcing His kingdom. The sermon that I preached was from Matthew 1:8-23. I presented Christ as the powerful Savior that became man to save us. Our sin is our great problem, and so Christ, God incarnate, came to dwell with us for the purpose of saving us.

Some people seemed to be shaken by the message, and others were listening with intensity. People came to me after the sermon asking for prayer for their families and for other needs. In each of these petitions, I found it necessary, with much love, to share the gospel of Christ with them again. I trust that God will do His work in them.

Jose Luis Siancas Christmas Service

The Work in Piura

Also, my great God has directed me to the beautiful city of Piura, about an hour away, to plant a church that is doctrinally sound. I started leading this group of believers in the Spring of 2018, and from that time I have not ceased to announce to my brothers and sisters the counsel of God. During this time, some have grown discouraged and left, but also, God has added others that continue faithful to this day and are walking in the truth. In the conversations I have with these brothers and sisters they make evident their love for God and for His. word. 

Two brothers from this church have begun to show a calling to serve God as teachers of His word and they both love and value pastoral care. Right now I am working with both of them in a special way and begging that God would also send more laborers. I desire with all my heart that more churches be raised up with biblical leadership, with worship that is centered on God, with a burden for missions, and with a gospel that causes sinners to give all the glory to God.

The Work in Mallaritos

In Mallaritos, after teaching about service to Christ in the context of the local church, I am beginning to see the fruit of the exposition of the word. Many brothers are now more involved in the work of ministry to one another, in that they are beginning to use their gifts for the purpose of benefiting the body of Christ. There are brothers and sisters that are serving with their gift of administration and publicly they have committed to helping the deacons in the different needs in the church. Others have put into use their gift of service and they are doing it in a sacrificial manner. After their jobs, they are willing to serve the church by visiting some of the members or helping with the cleaning or in other ways. Others are using their gift of exhortation. Praise be to our God! As a result, some of the brothers and sisters that were growing discouraged are being encouraged, and others are being sharpened as they are lovingly confronted by others and admonished in the Lord.