1. Church Planting Progress

We are pleased to announce that we are making progress in recognizing those whom God has set apart and gifted to humbly serve the church as pastors. Two candidates for eldership were presented to the flock to prayerfully consider whether or not these brothers should be appointed to these roles.

Please pray for our young church plant and for our prospective elders as the appointment of
pastors is not something that should be done lightly nor hastily. We hope to set aside elders in September or October. Please pray that we may walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which we have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love and making every effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

2. Street Evangelism

Our weekly street evangelism was, as always, a challenging but fulfilling task. The vast majority of people are strongly opposed to the proclamation of the Gospel, but I had some encouraging encounters. I sincerely ask you to keep the city of Frankfurt in your prayers as we long to see souls saved!

3. Church Visitors

In His kindness, the Lord allows us to serve visitors every Lord’s Day. May I ask you to pray for us as we strive to be a loving and welcoming church? Please pray that we take our responsibility seriously to serve those who God leads to us.

There are also some families/couples who would like to move to Frankfurt to become part of our church. Some of them are still praying over it. They need to find housing and employment in our area. Please join us in prayer for those who consider joining our fellowship.

4. Searching for a Meeting Place

We still meet to worship in the building of an English-speaking church. This is the reason why we can use the premises only for evening but not for morning services. Please pray for us as we search for our “own” premises to rent in Frankfurt.

I thank you very much for taking the time to read this letter! May the Lord bless you for partnering with us in the advance of His kingdom here in Germany!