In the face of economic and political uncertainty, our HeartCry missionary family in Eastern and Western Europe continue to maintain steadfastness in their spread of the gospel. The measure of a missionary’s success is not the numbers of converts that he has on the field, but his perseverance in internalizing and proclaiming the atoning work of Jesus. As always, the trials that accompany providence ultimately serve to increase the effectiveness of the gospel.

Recent updates from our missionaries in Eastern Europe afford a window into their current outreach. Multiple ministries are being used to build bridges to the spiritually impoverished in their communities. Such ministries include medical missions, dental care, eye examines, open air preaching, food distribution, home Bible studies and outreach programs in the public schools. These acts of kindness are never an end in themselves, but serve as opportunities to live out and proclaim the gospel of grace.

When reading the missionaries’ reports from Eastern Europe, you find that our brothers and sisters do not serve to the neglect of Biblical truth. They are missionary theologians who receive great motivation from their understanding of doctrine. It seems that everything in their lives and ministries is colored by their love for the gospel and knowledge of a sovereign God who does all things well.

Meanwhile, our men in Western Europe remaining faithful in the work. In cultures that are inundated with atheism and apostasy, they find that their only recourse in turning the minds of sinful men to God is the preaching of Christ and Him crucified. As noble as the attempts of scholarly men are in refuting the error of the day with apologetics, our brothers have come to realize that unbelief is a moral, not an intellectual problem. Therefore, they preach the gospel as the power of God to salvation to those who will believe.

Please continue to remember in prayer our men and women in Europe. Some go through times of discouragement because of unexpected providential events, while others endure hardships for the sake of righteousness. On the behalf of our servants of Christ in Europe, thank you for your investment in their families and endeavors.

Don Currin

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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