
Preaching and Teaching Ministry

I am still preaching through John 15 – 16. We introduced an extra hour and a half at the end of our worship service for the Life Skills DVD. This DVD addresses subjects related to work and finances. This resource has been extremely helpful so far, showing us what scripture says about earning a living and glorifying God in our all our work. One of the challenges in Africa is the absence of a robust work ethic. We also started having the Lord’s Supper every Sunday. These two extra meetings are such a blessing to our church, and have drawn us closer together in many ways. The fellowship is rich. Most members love to linger and fellowship instead of rushing off home or to some other program for the day. Pray for our church to continue to grow.

In the past few months I have had the opportunity to preach outside of Antioch. I have preached in both Anglican and Presbyterian churches within our city. We also recently hosted a team from Hope Baptist Church, North Carolina. They held three helpful, well-attended conferences on fatherhood, sexual purity, and courtship.


A few weeks ago, during one of our counseling sessions, a young lady named Wanangwa came to Christ. She had shared some things with us that she was struggling with at the time. In a meeting with her, I started sharing the gospel, moving from one text to another to show her that her problem was beyond the things she had been struggling with. For the first time, her eyes were opened to see that her problem was her sin, not some physical struggle. Like many people I know, she also believed she was Christian, having been raised in a so-called ‘Christian family’ and having professed faith by walking to the front during an altar call. I have never seen a person cry to the Lord so loudly for help like Wanangwa! Pray for her to continue to grow as we disciple her toward baptism and church membership.


Michael grew up in a strong Roman Catholic church, and was even sent to Rome to meet Pope Benedict XVI. A couple of years ago, Michael was converted when one of our members shared the gospel with him. Michael had been visiting our church for some time, while facing massive opposition from his strong Roman Catholic family. In many ways I could call it persecution, which hindered his regular church attendance. Suffice it to say that Michael was in a very complicated situation and has endured many painful circumstances during this period. We rejoiced when the Lord finally made it possible for Michael to be baptized and welcomed into membership.

Elder Training

I have asked for prayer for many years that the Lord would bless us with another elder in our church. At last, there is an opportunity for a second elder for our church. Thank you for your prayers, they are bearing fruit in this part of the world. We have a brother in our church who is of good character and loves the Lord, his wife, and the brethren. He is well spoken of among the brethren and respected. He has clearly expressed a desire to serve as an elder. He has been leading a Bible Study in his neighborhood and it is a flourishing group. I have attended the meetings in his home and have been encouraged greatly. Please do pray for this man. I intend to bring his name before the church for prayer and consideration very soon. Pray for us through this process.

He is currently working as a department manager for a large corporation that manages listed stocks for local companies in Malawi. I have been meeting with him every Tuesday during his lunch break. We eat together, pray, and read “Biblical Eldership” by Alexander Strauch. This is also very encouraging for me. Please pray for our Leadership Training Seminar with several area churches. The subject is “BIBLICAL LEADERSHIP,” focused on 1 Timothy 3:1-13. Our goal is to train and encourage men for the office of elder. Please remember this meeting in your prayers.

Translation and Publication

Our translation team has just finished translating the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. We are now in the final stages of proof reading. Please pray for our translation team. We are way ahead of schedule. This is good. Praise the LORD!

Our church partnered with Hope Baptist Church to translate


Our hope and prayer is that we produce materials that will outlive us, making sound literature available in Malawi, in English and the native language. Please pray that this work will bless many in the course of time.