Dear “Rope-Holders,”

As we walk through the crowded street in Tres Marías, Manchay, we are bombarded with many different smells, many of which are not so pleasant. Garbage, fish scraps, “tocosh” (a natural “antibiotic” made of fermented potatoes), blood from the butcher’s shop, spices, eucalyptus from the public sauna… all combine to make the traditional market smells of Manchay. But as we were rushing past these this weekend, we began to think of you, our supporters, and of the sweet smell that rises to heaven because of your intercession for us.

When we go to the market, we have learned where to hold our breath and where it is safe to breathe deeply. In much the same way, we have been hit with many “unpleasant smells” or situations in the past year that have left us gasping for fresh air. Sometimes we are so weary it literally hurts to breathe. Yet we are encouraged

Please pray with us for the following requests:

  1. For each of our sons to be saved and for each to have a burning passion to serve God.
  2. Wisdom in homeschooling Caleb (11th), Benjamin (9th), Aarón (6th) and Isaac (1st).
  3. Strength: physical, mental, and emotional. We are in a routine that does not yet allow for one real day of rest.
  4. Someone to come to work full-time alongside Joel in ministry.
  5. Joel’s graduation from Centros Teológicos Bautistas (seminary) on December 4. He will be their first Lima graduate!
  6. Retamal Baptist Mission. There are still no men that come on a regular basis. We began holding regular youth meetings there two months ago.
  7. Spiritual maturity among the men in our church.
  8. Ladies’ Bible Studies, both in our church (studying the Book of Esther) and Retamal (studying the Gospel of John).
  9. Youth meetings, in which the young people are studying about missions and the persecuted church.
  10. Our mission conference on December 12 and 13.

May God repay each of you for the love and generosity you show our family.