Ion Gireada serves as HeartCry’s point man in Ukraine providing oversight and encouragement for our missionaries in the region.  His wife, Lena, recently went through a very difficult surgery.  Please pray for a speedy recovery.

In a recent report, Ion shares, “An 86-year old sister went to be with the Lord, so we had a death watch and her funeral, when I preached two sermons. All the family members of this sister are non-Christians. Her grandson is the vice mayor of the village. Very many non-believers attended this funeral and listened to the Word of God. We pray that the Lord would help them repent. A non-Christian lady has started attending the church this month. She is reading the Bible and we pray that the Lord would give her saving faith.

In Chernovtsy, I had ten meetings with different missionaries and pastors for fellowship in the Word of God, for prayer, testimonies and for planning the summer camps and the evangelistic events.

In the last days of this month, on Saturday and Sunday, I preached the Gospel to 50 non-believers in Tarasauti and offered spiritual counseling to ten believers. I also passed out Gospel tracts and New Testaments. We had the medical evangelistic project in this village, too. The doctors offered free checkups and the pastors shared the Gospel with the participants. Some of them prayed, asking the Lord to help them repent.

I had a three and a half hours meeting with the elders from Jehovah’s Witnesses. We talked to them about regeneration. We realize more and more how lost and enslaved they are. They are not so bold anymore and there are many simple questions from the Bible that they can’t answer. We pray that the Spirit of the Lord would enlighten them and save them.”

Don is serving as the HeartCry Coordinator for Eastern Europe. As an itinerant evangelist, his pulpit ministry is directed toward preaching on the inner life of the believer and the spiritual need of the lost. With HeartCry, his ministry includes organizing Bible conferences and corresponding with the HeartCry missionaries in Europe. He and his lovely wife Cindy live in Tuscumbia, AL.

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