Church Plant

In the beginning of this month I finished the sermon series that I began in the first part of 2015 on the book of Isaiah. It has been such a blessing to preach through this book that has been called rightly the gospel of Isaiah. Now I’m back preaching in Luke and right now I’m finishing up chapter 5.

On a particular Sunday when I was preaching through Luke 5:17-26 under the title: “How can we be cleansed from the leprosy of sin?” an unbeliever that we’ve been praying for came to church for the first time and the message was very pertinent to that person. Keep praying that the Lord will open that person’s heart for the gospel and that the Lord would give the people who interact with that person wisdom.

It’s interesting how God through his providence guides us, so that people that need to hear a certain message come on the particular Sunday when that message is preached without any organization or planning on our part.

This month I also visited some old and new friends to encourage and help them in a church plant that recently has been started in the capital. It’s great to see how the Lord is at work at different places and in the hearts of his people. Pray for this church plant, for a healthy growth both in number and maturity, and that the Lord would continue to grant repentance to people with whom they are sharing the gospel.

As for our church plant it has been such a blessing since I came back from the US. A family from Northern Ireland that has moved to our city to be a part of the church arrived in June and has been a tremendous blessing as they are encouraging and serving the body.


As for Reformedia, Ola has been going around visiting different Christian bookstores in the country to establish personal contact with many of them, which is good for seeing a wider distribution of the books. Otherwise the work is pressing on as normal.

Please pray for the final translation work and printing of the book on Martin Luther by Steven J. Nichols, that it would go well and that it could have an impact. The Pope is coming to Sweden on Reformation Day, acting as if the reformation was not needed. A lot of Roman Catholic winds are blowing among professing evangelicals in Sweden. Pray that this book would be used to show why the Reformation was needed and stir an interest in discovering the true gospel.

Pray for the book training program that I mentioned in some former reports, that it would be a great tool in forming and equipping leaders.

Pray for the Lord’s leading in how we can be more deliberate when it comes to discipleship and nurturing of spiritual growth within the church.

Pray for the preaching, that God would move upon the hearts of people and for sinners to come to repentance.

Also pray that we would continue to be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:3).