It is my warm greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the grace of God we all are fine and I hope that you all fine there. This is my joy to share the works that God has done in this month through me.

First of all I would like to give thanks to God for bringing us into a relationship and partnership with HeartCry. Through HeartCry we are receiving sound doctrine and leading us to follow the truth. Today in Nepal many pastors and church leaders have no biblical knowledge and because of this the church is not of Christ but rather establishing the churches on their own methods and idea. I was also in the same situation before but through the grace of God and the right teaching from HeartCry, I am clearer in my wrong concept about Christ and His church.

It is important to apply in our daily lives what we are learning; first to apply to our ownselves and then to help to others—God is helping me to do so 1 Timothy 4:16. The true teaching, which I am receiving from fellow brothers through HeartCry, I am telling the truth to others. I tried to rule the church with my own ideas and methods before but now I am becoming more close with the believers and guide them in God’s knowledge, interact with them and know their problems. I am doing my best to be an example before my believers so that I may glorify God through my life. The believers are growing more mature in God’s knowledge. Let God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit enable me to do the works that He has given to me for his name.

Not only in the church inside but also outside the church. I am telling that truth to Pastors and Elders of the churches in our region. Sometimes I am sad to see to those Pastors and Elders who have no heart to learn the truth but some are eager to learn the truth. Now I am visiting such a Pastor who has zeal to learn the truth. He is Pastor R. He has small clinic and through it he is taking care of his family and children. Because of this he has no time to participate in conferences. Therefore I visit twice in a week in his house and tell the truth what I have received from the HeartCry Conferences. God is helping him to learn and to grow in God’s words.

Once again thanks to God for guiding me to do His ministry and also thanks to HeartCry for your teaching, prayers and support in my life. I am praying for you. God may bless you!

Sincerely, Rodney P.