Last week, pastors from across Peru’s jungles came together for a week of training carried out by Reaching and Teaching ministries, headed by David Sills. Every few months Reaching and Teaching ministries travels down for these week-long trainings for jungle pastors, gathering in the small village of Chazuta along the Huallaga River. Since 2014, HeartCry has worked toward providing the pastors that faithfully attend the courses with a basic pastoral library. During the most recent gather of pastors, HeartCry provided around 45 men with David Dockery’s “Concise Bible Commentary”, adding onto what they have received in the past, which consists of a Study Bible, a concordance, and a Bible dictionary. 

Some of the pastors that were attending for the first time also received Study Bibles, and will continue to receive more literature in the future as they devote themselves to attend these regular training’s. Please pray that the Lord will bless these pastors as they prayerfully study God’s Word in order to nourish God’s people. Pray that the commentaries and Study Bibles will prove helpful as they seek to grow in the true knowledge of the Lord.