It is my pleasure to inform you of what’s going on in the work of the Lord here in the town of Sapillica, Peru. Thanks be to God, as a church we have organized some desires and plans for ministry this year. Personally, I have focused much of my attention and time on visiting families house by house to evangelize and teach the Scriptures. As a result of this ministry, there is a new family that has begun attending our services, and it appears that they have been converted! We are helping them to be established in truth and walk with Christ. I am discipling this couple as I teach the Scriptures to them and we examine God’s Word together. They have many questions and they desire to grow. Please pray that the Lord would continue to help me in my efforts to strengthen this family.

There is another family in the church that we are counseling and seeking to restore. Last year, the husband fell away and returned to a life of sin. We were working very diligently with this family to help his wife and children and keep them from also stumbling, in order that they would be able to endure in the midst of this difficult time. But thanks be to God! This brother has now repented and returned to the feet of Christ. Please pray that the Lord would sustain this brother and his family in truth.

Also, please pray for my family. This month has been very difficult for us. My son Daniel was bitten by an insect on his arm, and after some time, the wound still had not healed. We had to scrape of a portion of the affected area in order to get an analysis to rule out the possibility of it being an “Uta” bite (a small insect whose bite causes outward ulcers or lesions in the skin). There have been an increased amount of Uta bites in the villages around here, but thanks be to the Lord, the analysis came back negative, and his arm is now healing. Also, this month I was bedridden for three days after I was bitten by a tarantula. This spider is very venomous. My foot was swollen and I was unable to walk because of the pain. The venom spread all the way to my knee. Now I am able to walk, but my leg is still recovering. These things have been very hard on us, but we are always seeking to press onward. I thank you for your prayers for my family, and also for me, that the Lord would be glorified in all that I do here.

Well, brothers and sisters, there are many more experiences and events that we’ve lived through this month, but my greatest concern and my plea to you all is that the Lord would continue bringing souls to His feet in Sapillica, Peru.