
Fort Portal Asks for Training

In a previous newsletter, I wrote about my short mission trip to Fort Portal in Western Uganda. We had received a “Macedonian Call” from two small churches that wanted to embrace the reformed faith. I went there in February and preached the gospel in one of the two churches (photo below). In the afternoon, I had a meeting with the church leaders, who asked to be trained because they know very little about the reformed faith, expository preaching, etc. God willing, we’ll be going there every three months to conduct leaders training seminars. We trust the LORD as far as provision is concerned. (Note: A church in Bridgeport, CA has since partnered with HeartCry to fund these quarterly training seminars.)

Adjumani Gospel Missions

Sometime back the Lord had put the burden for the Sudanese refugees in the heart of brother Paul Washer, and HeartCry asked us to start evangelistic mission trips to the Sudanese refugee camps in Adjumani in Northern Uganda. We went there once, but unfortunately our only contact there turned out to be money-minded, not gospel-minded. We decided to leave him and started praying for another door to be opened for us. The Lord truly answers prayers. We are glad to inform you that He has given us another person in Adjumani called Loso Godfrey who is a Sudanese refugee and pastor of a Baptist church in one of the camps. We are, once again, planning how to go back there to meet Loso and also preach the gospel. We’ll give you more information about Loso and this Adjumani gospel mission later.