Conference on the Gospel April 2016

Dear Brothers & Sisters, Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ from a land of Nepal.

It is my joy to share what the Lord has done within us. We had a HeartCry conference on April
10-12. Pastor Jimmy Li from USA gave us a teaching on the Gospel. It was a blessing for us as we received the truth very deeply that has enlarged our souls in Christ. Altogether 40 men and women were participated for this conference. We appreciate Pastor Jimmy Li ministering our souls through His words.

Silas Teaching Nepal

First Day: The very beginning day Pastor Li started from a question “Why we need the Gospel?” Then he slowly moved to the answer, giving the details. It was astounding to learn the attributes of God in the Gospel; mainly His character revealed in the Gospel. The attributes of God mentioned were His Holy character, righteousness, justice, and loving kindness. Then he moved toward the “BAD NEWS” that all men have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). No men love and choose God (Rom 3:10-11) and men are sinful by birth and the bad news is because of sin, all are separated from God. All the sinful people deserve wrath from God.

Second Day: The “GOOD NEWS,” the hope of the Gospel was shared. Jesus Christ is the one who brought the hope to this world; His life, Death & Resurrection. He shared the beauty of justification, sanctification, propitiation, and adoption. This was very encouraging to learn deeply how these fit in the gospel.

Third Day: This day was a great blessing for all men and women. Pastor Li shared from a parable the prodigal son which was very heart touching. He shared true repentance and the love of Christ which we see in the glorious gospel in this story. Most of the people were deeply moved and convicted and enjoyed the glorious gospel. Then he led us to the Gospel in the marriage from Eph 5:22-33. It was very encouraging to see the love of Christ in the marriage and how Christ is honored from our marriages. Pastor Li shared more practical aspects of life, beholding the beauty of the gospel which was very encouraging and Christ honoring preaching.

This conference was very, very helpful for our men and women to see the glorious gospel and it’s beauty. Our souls were enlarged through this teaching conference and looking more ahead and placing our eye on the cross to enjoy the beauty of the Gospel. Thanks to the HeartCry for prayer partners and your wonderful love for needy souls in Nepal. Thank you all for co-laboring together for the Gospel. All glory to our God!