German pastors Peter and Tobias are co-elders of Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church in Frankfurt. Together they have written a wonderfully helpful prayer letter in which they share a brief history of the church along with current details of church life and some amazing things that God has done there. If you love God’s people and care about young churches growing and maturing around the world then please read the following on how you can better pray for the advancement of the church in Germany.

Dear Praying Friends,

“If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1

John 1:7

We are most grateful for your partnership in the gospel, through your prayers for us as a church. Here is an update on what the Lord has been doing among us, in the last few months, and what lies ahead, for which we would value your prayers.

The Frankfurt Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church was constituted in November 2016. Peter Schild and Tobias Riemenschneider were appointed as pastors and, a few months later, Horst Taxis was appointed as deacon. Since November 2016 there have been 18 additions to the founding members, particularly encouraging is that seven of these were also baptized.

Sunday morning services see us working through the first of John’s epistles. In days when there is so much pressure on God’s people to compromise and change, this book is invaluable. Pastor Peter preaches on Revelation, on Sunday evenings, while Pastor Tobias has just begun taking the church through the prophecy of Haggai. Our Wednesday evening prayer meetings have been based on studies in Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

Praise God that He is growing His church here in Frankfurt and for blessing us with such a great growth in so little time.

We give thanks to God for the birth of a first child, Elizabeth Salome, to Pastor Tobias and his wife, Nicole. A few months earlier, Joel Jairus, the third son of Pastor Peter and his wife Priscilla was born. In January, another child, Sarah Noelle, was born, and currently five sisters are pregnant. Last year we also had three weddings of couples within the church.

We are thankful to have had Dr James White come and deliver a lecture on “The bondage of the will”, in September last year. Approximately 120 people were present to hear his engaging and accurate presentation on this very relevant subject.

Please pray for the ongoing ministry of the Word, on Sundays and Wednesdays, and for help and strength to be granted to the pastors. Please also pray for suitable men to be raised up to take offices in the church and reduce the heavy workload that the pastors and deacon currently experience. God willing, we are going to to appoint another deacon very soon and request your prayers in this regard.

Please pray for grace and strength for our deacon Horst Taxis and his family who are providing foster care for two children with significant needs.

We continue to evangelize on the streets of Frankfurt, with tracts being handed out and conversations had. Alas, we do not see any fruits of this work so far. Please pray that God will accompany the distribution of His Word with saving power.

God willing, we are going to baptize two sisters on March 11th, 2018. One of the sisters is from China and has to travel back there after the baptism. Please pray for her and the brothers and sisters in China, where persecution is getting worse.

We are still without our own church building. This is a particular problem on Sunday mornings, where recent numbers have been too large to practically fit into the current venue. Please pray that the Lord will lead us to a suitable location.

We again thank you for your prayerful interest in the Lord’s work here in Frankfurt and covet your ongoing prayers. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.