Testimony of

Roger Gomez

Pastor in Protected Country 7

Testimony of Conversion

My life developed far from any Christian influence, but on the contrary, idolatry was the predominant thing in my environment, so I grew up and other sinful practices were added to my life, logically one always hears about the existence of a God, although we resist to believe in Him. Then came into my life a situation that became more and more unsustainable, alcohol was my apparent refuge until I almost hit bottom, the will to live was removed, and it was in the midst of that despair that one night, after many sleepless nights, I cried out to the God that traditionally I had heard of Him and although it seems incredible after my cry for help I experienced relief, that night I could rest. Then the next day I went to a person who I knew was a believer and asked to go to church with her, it was in that meeting that for the first time I was told about the Gospel, by that time I was ready to believe and I believed to the glory of God.

Call to Ministry

After two years of being a member of the local church in my hometown, I joined a couple of young people who attended a small group in a small town in the countryside, for a year I was with them doing that work, it was then that I experienced something that was already stronger than me to work alone for the Lord, I commented it with my pastor and to my amazement he told me that for time prayed for me for that reason, so I began with me a kind of training, Then other brothers in the church commented that they saw in me aptitudes for the pastorate, then with the approval of the church I went to work in a very remote community which was the beginning of my ministry for the church on behalf of the Lord, it was in that place that I was then officially ordained as pastor, since then and until today it has been 14 years that together with my wife we serve God in his church.