Testimony of Conversion and Call To Ministry
I was a person who led a disordered, empty and uncontrolled life. All this is due to smoking and alcohol. I was divorced and separated from my children. In 1995 I fell into a depressive state, and my life was out of control. Then I decided to seek help to control my life, to change my life. And that is when I went to witchcraft, to Satanism, it is here where they began to deal with me, sending me to make different satanic pacts where they promised me that if I were faithful to these pacts, everything would change, which in reality did not happen. My life, instead of improving, went from bad to worse. In the midst of the desperation in which I found myself, I continued looking for help, and it was then that I decided to visit an evangelical church located in my place of residence.
In the middle of 1995 is when I started to visit this congregation. Here I was preached about John 3: 16. The text was explained to me, and then I made the decision to repent and accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. I asked to be baptized, and I was sent to discipleship classes. Then, I attended congregational study classes for approximately three months. Later I was baptized on January 21, 1996. Without waiting much time, I told the Pastor I felt the call to be a Missionary. I am sent by the church to three mission fields outside our municipality, places where the word had never been preached. The Lord used me, and for His glory, I organized three churches, one in each field to which I was sent in a period of three years. Later I felt the call to work as a pastor, and one of these churches recognized my call. I accepted to work in it as their pastor, moving to this area of the countryside without a salary, just depending on the Lord. After a few years, since the pastor was retiring, I was called to provide pastoral help to this church, EBENEZER. I come to this church, and the church decides to ask me as their official pastor, a proposal that I accept. I have been working in this church for about 14 years. I cannot finish this summary without mentioning my wife, who supported me in all this work. Wife that the Lord means because I won her first for him. I have been married for 27 years and have served the Lord for 27 years.
Behold, my life was different. Behold, I came out of all despair. Behold, my life changed when I repented and gave my life to Christ. I was truly born again. Since then, I do not cease to thank God that in his sovereignty, he set me apart from before the foundation of the world, he predestined me, he chose me, so that I would be his son and present before him being holy and without blemish.
Glory to God