I learned about God from my grandmother who was an Orthodox believer. She taught me the Lord’s Prayer and many other prayers. As a child, I understood the justice of God, but I knew nothing about His Love and mercy. My home where I grew up was not a peaceful place. There were many tensions. My mother was an example for me, but I cannot say the same thing about my father.

When I was nine years old, some missionaries near our house opened their house for children’s Bible club meetings. That was something new and interesting for us. In that place, I heard for the first time the Good News about God’s love and forgiveness. I can say that I was born again even at that age. I was amazed about everything that I learned about God. 

When I became a teenager, things began to get worse. I started to like TV shows more than the Bible club. I was convicted about my absence from the meetings, but I could not break free from my favorite TV shows. However, when I was sixteen years old, I rededicate my life to Jesus. I understood what was missing in my life. I needed to read my Bible in order to have daily fellowship with God. In this way, I began to grow in my knowledge and obedience to God.

When I was eighteen years old, I went to Cahul University. There, I began to attend Emanuel Church and I understood another part of my life that was missing. I needed to serve God. I was a shy person until I began serving others and participating in the different church ministries. I was released from my timidity and friendliness. Soon, I began to be involved in youth ministry, small groups, girl’s ministry, and other church activities. More and more I was beginning to understand God’s call for the ministry and for His Kingdom.

When I was twenty-three year old, I was married and soon came our first child. Our family is where God is working most in my life. I can say that my seeking after God and my dedication became deeper. At the age of thirty, I can see how God has worked in me more patience, wisdom, and maturity in my relationship with my husband and other believers.

For six years, I served in the children ministry at our church. Now, God has sent another person to take my place, and I am dedicated to the discipleship of my children. However, I have the same desire: To know Him more.