Testimony of Conversion and Call to Ministry
My name is Lewis Prager. The decade of the nineties was a convulsive period, where, like today, the economic, political, and social situation of our nation was quite deplorable, depravity and perversity permeated every layer of society, and in the midst of this context I was in my twenties.
I don’t think it is necessary to detail the spiritual and social situation I found myself in. Suffice it to say that I was quite influenced by the context surrounding me and immersed in a life of sin. I had even given up my studies.
After I finished my military service, I began to study again, and providentially I met a friend from high school who is a Christian. The Lord used him and his family to introduce me to the gospel. At first, I visited his congregation out of a commitment to them. Still, the Lord had a purpose already determined, His Word penetrated me, and I could see the true condition I was in (the lack of purpose I was living with and the demeaning of my spiritual condition).
I thank God for embracing me, taking me in His arms, washing my sins in the blood of His beloved Son, allowing me to repent of them, and allowing me to serve Him, even though I am a creature with a remnant of sin to contend with.