My name is Lisa Storey. The Lord graciously saved me 22 years ago. I grew up going to the Roman Catholic Church. I never understood grace nor being able to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I never understood that when we come to Christ with our sin and repentance, there is forgiveness because of the cross and there is assurance of eternal life with Christ because of the resurrection.

Before I was converted, I thought that you had to earn your way, and lived hoping that I had done more good than bad. I never understood what 1 John 5 says: “To know you have eternal life.”

He who began a good work in me 22 years ago is still molding me more each day to be more like Christ. My husband, Dave, had a call for ministry in 1998 and it is a joy to be able to serve alongside him. We have been blessed to see many lives changed for eternity. We have also had the privilege to raise our 4 children in the ways of the Lord. To God be the glory, they are all serving the Lord, and the three that are married have found a godly spouse to serve together with.

We look forward to growing together in the Lord and serving Him in whatever area He calls us to.