Testimony of

Kuyumbana Poniso

Church Planter in Zambia

Kuyumbana is a graduate of KBC’s pastoral internship program (2013). Though his work among the Lozi was to officially commence in 2013, it had an early start when Kuyumbana, his wife Ruth, and their four children moved from Shang’ombo to Senanga. As a result, several individuals began gathering with them informally in December 2012. There are now eleven people gathering for worship each Sunday and the church is in need of a permanent meeting place.

Testimony of Conversion

I, Kuyumbana Poniso, was born in a non-Christian family of five members, with two brothers and three sisters. I was born first on May 3, 1974. My parents, traditionally, were ancestral spirit worshipers. In this way, I was brought up practicing this way of worship, which embraces drunkenness, smoking, fornication, and false worship of the spirits of our ancestors. In 1996-97, the American Baptist missionaries started some Bible studies in our area, in which I participated. They taught us Bible stories. The story that God used to convict my heart to salvation was on Abraham’s move to the Promised Land and how he obeyed God to sacrifice his only son Isaac. As a result of this story, which showed the sovereignty of God and His attributes, I gave my life to JESUS, was baptized, joined our new local church, and forsook the false worship of ancestors. My family has followed me in faith, since then.