Testimony of Conversion and Call To Ministry
I was wandering through life, trying to find something. I didn’t know if it was happiness, myself, a girlfriend, a purpose or if God existed. I had studied a technical career and had just passed the military service. At that time, I hated God a lot, but at the same time, I was sure He did not exist. I also wished I had a Bible to use as toilet paper to unload my resentment for Him.
Although I was raised by a cousin of my mother in another town, I always had a Christian influence from my biological mother and two of my older brothers, I visited them as a child on vacations, and they took me to church, a place where even as a young man I enjoyed making fun of everything, they also had the habit of listening to Christian radio stations and all this was marking me in life to reject God but also to find Him.
After leaving the military service, I started a relationship with a girl member of that church but not yet converted, she was studying at the University in the city where I lived, and then I started to visit her at a Baptist Church here and there …boom …. one day I was surprised and preached a young man with a booklet of Billy Graham’s ministry plus many more words … I still doubted. … I still doubted… but he believed what he was talking about and I said to myself: pray, ask God for forgiveness and accept Christ that if this is true and if I leave here I will be killed by a car I will surely be condemned… and helped by this young man I prayed… with interferences in my mind and sure of the enemy but God heard my cry because I did it with sincerity.
This is how complex the Lord worked with me in my conversion and then with my girlfriend who is now my wife, and for more than 30 years the Lord, in his grace keeps us in his ways.