Testimony of

Dennis Valle

Intern in Ecuador

Testimony of Conversion

From an early age I had a life far away from the Lord, with many sins, vices, pride, resentments in my heart and many other terrible things. But at the end of 2012 God in His great mercy allowed me to approach a Christian church. Every time I attended I was confronted with the Word and it caused me to not want to go back to church anymore, but God would make me go back again and my sin would reject it again, until one time I was confronted hard with my wickedness and I could not take it anymore and I surrendered to God and for the first time I prayed to the Lord for help and succor. God in His love showed me Christ and His forgiveness through His cross. That was the time that for the first time I understood that I offended God greatly, but I also understood the forgiving and personal work of Jesus Christ.

After this God began to remove the idols from my life so that I could focus only on Him, I began to attend church much more, the Word of God was my comfort, prayer began to be my delight, and He placed in my life significant people who helped me in my spiritual progress. Also at the moment of knowing the Lord’s forgiveness a desire was born in my heart to preach the gospel to all my family and friends at the university, so that was the beginning of a love of preaching and teaching that to this day by His grace I maintain and that has been increasing.

Call to Ministry

During my university studies I was a teaching leader in an evangelistic group, product of this group was born a young church in which I also served in the teaching and preaching ministry. This church unfortunately divided over doctrine, there were many wounds and suffering because of our immaturity and little knowledge of the Scriptures. In the providence of God in those times I met Pastor Jorge Rodriguez and he invited me to be part of the Pastoral School which I gladly accepted. God allowed me through the division to understand the urgency of diligently preparing myself in the Scriptures in order to carry out a work according to God’s will.

Thank God we have finished the Pastoral School study process, and now we are being seen by our local church to be formally recognized as trained workers for their work. We are very eager to continue serving God’s work and to dedicate ourselves completely to His service. There are many projects and missions in our country and what I desire is to be able to give of grace what I have been given of grace. Please help us to pray for me and my family that God’s glory will be manifested through our lives.