Photo 2020 11 22 16 46 41

Completed: Nov, 2020

We were able to help translate Paul Washer's "Essential Means of Grace" into Russian and distribute it to many of the churches we support.

Project Translations

Russian Translation of “Essential Means of Grace”

Completed: Nov, 2020

We were able to help translate Paul Washer's "Essential Means of Grace" into Russian and distribute it to many of the churches we support.

Photo 2020 11 22 16 46 41

Completed: Nov, 2020

We were able to help translate Paul Washer's "Essential Means of Grace" into Russian and distribute it to many of the churches we support.

Over the summer, brother Paul Washer released a book through Reformation Heritage Book titled, “Essential Means of Grace”. Through a friend and translator in Belarus, we were able to help fund the translation and publishing of the book translated into Russian. This little book was sent to many of the churches we support for the pastors and church members. We have since heard reports of how beneficial this volume has been. One brother even plans to host a conference with a few local congregations over the topics of the book. See the photo gallery below:

To order this book in English, follow this link to Reformation Heritage Books’ website. To order this book in Russian, follow this link to Gospel & Reformation Christian Bookstore’s Website.

Если вы хотите купить эту книгу на русском языке, заказ можно оформить через сайт или по электронной почте [email protected]