Bible Distribution In Rio Santiago

Completed: Iyun, 2021

Through a number of the Peruvian pastors that HeartCry supports, HeartCry has been able to distribute a total of 705 Bibles in the jungle regions during the first half of 2021.

More Projects in Peru
Workbook Collaboration
Wilmer With Three Wheeler
Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz
Project Bible Distribution

Peru Bible Distribution, Jan-June 2021

Completed: Iyun, 2021

Through a number of the Peruvian pastors that HeartCry supports, HeartCry has been able to distribute a total of 705 Bibles in the jungle regions during the first half of 2021.

Bible Distribution In Rio Santiago

Completed: Iyun, 2021

Through a number of the Peruvian pastors that HeartCry supports, HeartCry has been able to distribute a total of 705 Bibles in the jungle regions during the first half of 2021.

More Projects in Peru
Workbook Collaboration
Wilmer With Three Wheeler
Juan Pablo Osorio's Truck In Huaraz

There is a great need for Bibles among the churches in the jungles of Peru. Through a number of the Peruvian pastors that HeartCry supports, HeartCry has been able to distribute a total of 705 Bibles in the jungle regions during the first half of 2021. Each of these Bibles is given to believers that attend a local church and who have never owned a Bible. Pray that God would greatly strengthen His people as they read the Scriptures and pray for the ongoing efforts to distribute Bibles to those who are hungry for His Word.