In the last month, we had the opportunity to provide a few sets of digital commentaries to some of the pastors we support in Spain, Portugal, and the Canary Islands. Print books in Spanish can be difficult and costly to obtain. Because of Bible study software like Logos, commentaries, language tools, and other theological resources are available to many who wouldn’t otherwise have access to such resources. Read below a few expressions of thank from some of the pastors who benefitted:
Heber Torres
“Dear brethren
Just a few words to express my gratitude for your generous gift. Having access to these sets of commentaries in Logos will provide helpful guidance as I study the Scriptures. Thank you so much for your commitment to the Gospel and your support of our family and ministry.
In Christ,
Heber Torres”
Christian Ulloa
“I would like to let you know that I have already received both Logos New Testament commentary sets. First of all, I am profoundly grateful for this gift, thank you for investing in my spiritual growth, I am looking forward to reading them… I would like to show my gratitude to HeartCry for the opportunity of owning these helpful resources to better understand the biblical text, to better know God, and thus, to serve Him with integrity…”
Miguel Burgazzoli
Dear brothers in Christ:
“Today I woke up with the pleasant news of the gift that they have given us of the two comments on the New Testament through Logos. I tell you that last year I started saving, to gradually buy Samuel Perez Millos’, and now suddenly I have them together with the NCA, what joy they have given me. I am very excited, I have no words to express thanksgiving for everything that is being done for me, for my wife, and for the church here in Las Palmas.
The Lord is giving us a great opportunity to continue spreading His Word throughout this island, there are still some fringes to touch up regarding the functioning of the church, but what a joy it is to see how while there are souls that, guided by the Lord, are listening to His Gospel and they are going to the foot of the cross, in all this, their prayers and contributions are being of crucial help.
Thank you for blessing us in this beautiful and faithful way. May the Lord take care of you and continue to use you for His Glory. A strong hug in Christ
Miguel Burgazzoli”
Mario Pina
“The hand of God has been amazingly good to us. It is amazing grace displayed in our lives. I was reminded of Peter’s words: seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. This gift is, for us, a tool to study the Word of God. This Word proclaimed leads to life and godliness, and by his mercy, will save many listeners here in Miratejo. His word sanctifies the church.
We are grateful to God for you, for what you do to us, and we are committed to using these resources to prepare sermons. God bless,
Pastor Mário Pina”