Testimony of

Christian Ulloa

Church Planter in Spain

Christian serves has planted and is pastoring the church, “House of Grace and Truth” in Oviedo, Spain, where he lives with his wife and child. His desire is to see biblical churches, led by biblical pastors, preaching the gospel all across Spain. Read his testimony and call to ministry below:

Testimony of Conversion

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1979, born again in 1996, and in 2000 moved to Spain with the mission to proclaim the gospel. I was married in 2011, and we had our only daughter in 2013. 

From a very young age, I was lost in the world of drugs, but in 1996, by God’s grace, I heard the gospel, repented, believed in Him, and was saved by His grace. It was something that came my way when I was not seeking the Lord. It was unexpected and marvelous that He regenerated me and gave me new life. After that evidence of salvation in my life, I began to serve Him in a Christian center where I invested 20 years of my life for the gospel.

The gospel of grace that saved me is the same gospel that I live by and for which I desire to live. The gospel revealed my inability to save myself through my own strength or methods. The gospel revealed a plan of salvation for a sinner like me. The gospel saved me from eternal punishment and gave me the gift of salvation only by His grace, only by faith, and only through Christ.

Call to Ministry

Before addressing my call to ministry, I must answer this question: “How did I know that I have been called to pastoral ministry? How could I know that it is God and not merely my desires?” The answer is found in the study of the Word, the examination of character, and simply, time. Also, it helps a man to make a severe and rigorous study of his calling, because the ministry is not easy, and we will only be able to persevere if we know that it is God who calls us to serve His people. The conclusion that I have come to is that God has called me to serve Him and His church. He is working in me and conforming me into what he desires for me to be. Others have agreed and confirmed this as well.

Four years ago, the pastor of the church where I used to attend proposed that I plant a church. After praying and seeking counsel, my family and I decided to leave our job and dedicate ourselves to this new church plant full-time. 

Two other families and mine met at my house at the beginning. But during the last three years we have dedicated ourselves to preaching the gospel in the street and praying. The Lord has been saving people, and now, by His grace, we are a group of 40. The past three years have been crucial for training and discipling the men that the Lord has been adding, trusting that He will raise future leaders for our church. And as a congregation we met two times a week to pray and teach the Word in order to establish the fundamental basics of the Christian faith. 

This year we were able to officially start as a church under the name “House of Grace and Truth.” God has provided a place for us to meet that is already becoming too small. On Sundays we preach through the book of Acts in order to learn how to imitate the love that the first church had for Christ, and their commitment to the gospel. On Tuesdays we hold a prayer meeting and on Thursdays we have a Bible study. Our purpose is to faithfully preach His Word and to put it into practice for it is the tool that the Spirit uses to edify God’s people and to save the lost.