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Alex Palade is engaged in two ministries. He challenges students with the gospel on university campuses and does the work of an evangelist in the town of Zizin where he and Emauel Ivan intend to start a church. This month he relates some of his gospel encounters in Zizin:

We met a man who works at the town hall. He showed us a piece of land for our future church in Zizin. He is a Hungarian evangelical Christian. Another town hall counselor joined us for our discussion. They both believed that God had a good opinion about them. They said they had helped many people and had done many good deeds. They were shocked to hear what God said in the Bible about sin and judgment. One of them tried to excuse himself, while the other humbled himself when he heard the gospel. In the end, both of them realized they were going to hell without Christ. 

Then we visited a mother of six who had come to our meetings. She called me and asked me to help her go to a center for abused mothers. But the Spirit of the Lord guided me to visit her and speak to her about the biblical perspective on the Christian family. She is open to the gospel, but her relationship to the man she lives with is not very good. He kicked her out of their house and then asked her to come back again. Her older sister, who lives with their parents, kicked her out of their house as well. Four of her children attend our church meetings. They have learned psalms by heart. She thanked us for the new things that she found out. Then we had the children’s meeting.

After the children’s meeting, we visited Estera, who is Andreea’s mother. She came to church in Brasov along with the children that we took with us. The Holy Spirit is searching her heart. I had also preached the gospel several times to her aunt, Florica, who used to believe that she was a good Christian. Still, she didn’t accept that the Lord Jesus as the only way to God. A while ago, just before she died, she repented and asked the Lord Jesus to save her. She died smiling. So, Estera, who didn’t care too much about the faith, invited us to her place to pray for her. I had preached the gospel to her husband, Costica, last summer, but he was very resistant. Now he asked his wife to invite us to their place to pray for them. Costica wants to repent. Their sons and one of their daughters-in-law also attended our meeting and listened to God’s Word.

Then we visited Marin and Maria. Dan and his wife joined us. God’s Word searched Maria’s heart so strongly that she wanted to ask Christ to save her. She just couldn’t stop crying. The miracle that God had done with her husband really touched her heart. The people in the village are so amazed to see the change that had taken place in Marin’s life. He used to be a drunkard. He told me that his drinking and gambling pals were so amazed that he had repented. Some of them are angry, while others are convicted in their hearts. All the people in the village know that he repented.

Florian is a man in his 50s. My wife is doing a Bible study with his wife, but he hasn’t turned to God. His wife asked me to preach the gospel to Florian. He was very open to God’s Word and understood that he was going to hell. Then we met again as families and I preached God’s Word to him again. May the Lord have mercy on Florian and his wife!